Thursday, December 6, 2012

12/7/12 WOD:

 For time:
95 pound Overhead squat, 30 reps
7 Muscle-ups
95 pound Overhead squat, 20 reps
5 Muscle-ups


Globo WOD:

5 rounds of:
- 3 weighted pullups, 60lbs
- 3 weighted dips, 60lbs
No rest between sets, but it is not for time so don't rush.


For Time:
50lb dumbbell squats, 30 reps
7 push presses, 185lbs
50lb dumbbell squats, 20 reps
5 push presses, 185lbs

50lb dumbbells means 1 50lb DB in each hand for a total of 100 pounds.

I broke this one up because the muscle ups work certain physical characteristics that I wanted to make sure to hit.  I took that training out of the context of the wod because I felt like it would be better to train it as a strength / skill session and then just choose another large compound movement that was more practical in a commercial gym setting to put in it's place.  Push presses obviously do not work the same muscle groups as a muscle up does, but it is powerful compound movement that should illicit a similar response in the context of the workout. 

And as always if your gym has rings (miracle) or a straight pull up bar with enough headroom above it then by all means do muscle ups. 

By the way if anyone is actually reading this and definitely if you're trying some of these workouts go ahead and sound off in the comments.  I'd like to know who's out there.  Let me know how your workouts in a commercial gym are going, even if they're not mine.  Post pictures of the gyms you workout in if you have them.  It'd be good to know what different people have to deal with out there.  


  1. Just found this site. Was looking for exactly this because I will be traveling to a place for 5 weeks with no CF gym. Wanted to find equivalent WODs. Thanks for all of your hard work. This is great!

  2. This is awesome. Thank you for doing this; just moved to a new city where the CF boxes are SO high priced. Wish I could afford it, but since I can't you've made my favorite WODs accessible. Thank you!!

  3. I liked the content on this site. Would like to visit again.

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  4. This is an outstanding site. I especially love the way you outline the thought process behind the globo gym versions. Thank you!!
