Friday, November 23, 2012

11/23/12 WOD

21-15-9 reps of:
225 pound Deadlift
Handstand push-ups


Globo WOD:

21-15-9 reps of:
225 pound Deadlift
Dumbbell Press*

If you have a place in your commercial gym to do handstand pushups then keep them in. Just be careful not to go too far and leave your bar unattended or you might find it gone when you get back.

* To figure out what weight to use for the dumbbell press use whatever weight equals approximately half your body weight.  For example I weight about 183 pounds.  Half of that is 91.5 pounds.  Round that down to 90 and I am going to use two 45 pound DBs for my presses.  Try to do the presses with as little knee bend as possible.  We're trying to simulate handstand push ups so I want you to try not to do push presses.  And remember "press" means overhead, not bench press.

Sorry for the late start on this one.  Hope everyone had a good holiday.  I'm headed to a place with very poor cell phone reception this weekend so it might be hard to get the workouts up the next two days.  I'm going to try, but if they don't make it up I apologize and it'll be back on track for Monday!

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