Friday, November 16, 2012

11/17/12 WOD:
Five rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
20 Burpees
15 Two-hand dumbbell bent over row, 50 pounds each


Globo WOD:

Option 1:
 Five rounds for time of:
500 meter row
20 burpees
15 Two-hand dumbbell bent over row, 50 pounds each

Option 2:
Run 1 mile at 2% incline
Five rounds for time of:
20 burpees
15 Two-handed dumbbell bent over row, 50 pounds each

So we have two options on how to accomplish this workout.  You can simply replace the run with a row if your gym has a rowing machine.  I chose rowing because it is similarly difficult, but also because it's easy to move rowing machines around so that you can have the rower, your dumbbells, and enough space to do burpees fairly easily.  It is not so easy to do this with a treadmill.  If you do not have a rower then option 2 just has the running front loaded and then finishing the rest after.  Run 1 mile as fast as you can then go as quickly as you can to grab your set of dumbbells and start begin the 5 rounds of burpees and rows.  

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