Friday, November 30, 2012

11/30/12 WOD:

Weighted pull-ups 3-3-3-3-3 reps


Globo WOD:

 Weighted pull-ups 3-3-3-3-3 reps

No change to this one.  If you absolutely do not have a dip belt to hold the weight with you can either hold a dumbbell between your feet or if you're using enough weight and that doesn't seem feasible you can use a cable lat pull down machine as a last resort.  I know that's kind of sacrilege in the CF world, but they do work.  It needs to be a cable though and not a lever machine.  Finally, if you're going to use a machine you need to REALLY focus on keeping your torso upright throughout the movement.  Do not use momentum and lean way back to pull the bar down like you see a lot of people do.  This will change the angle of the movement and turn it into more of a row and it will no longer be comparable to the pull up.   

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